매매계약이 체결되고 신용장이 도착되면, 매도인은 계약 상품을 매수인에게 인도하는 데 필요한 조치를 취하여야 한다. 우선, 계약 상품이 확보되면 계약서와 신용장 조건에 따라 선적 준비를 하고 대금결제에 필요한 제반 선적 서류를 준비한다. 신용장 조건과 일치하는 선적 서류가 준비되면 화환 어음을 발행하고, 이에 선적 서류 원본을 첨부하여 외국환 취급 은행에 매도(negotiation)함으로써 선적 서류와 상환으로 수출 상품 대금을 회수한다.
선적이 완료되면 매도인은 매수인에게 전보나 텔렉스를 이용하여 선적 통지를 하고, 다시 선적 서류 사본을 갖추어 선적 통지서와 함께 송부하여 선적 사실을 확인한다.
○ 선적통지
1) We have shipped today the July portion of your order by the Pacific Queen, which will arrive in your port around September 10.
2) We are pleased to report that your Order of May 6 has been shipped as previously arranged. The shipment consisting of four (4) crates of "Crown" Typewriters left New York on June 2 on the M. S. "Sweden" which is scheduled to arrive in Bombay on or about July 23.
3) We are pleased to inform you that we have shipped today, as per copy of our cable enclosed, by the Geumkang-ho, 4,000 doz. Ladies Rubber Shoes' ordered by your cable of May 15. This boat is scheduled to arrive at your port on July 26.
○ 원산지 증명
1) Please send us a certificate of origin with other shipping documents.
2) All your shipment of wigs must be a accompanied by comprehensive certificate of origin.
○ 검사증
1) You are requested to send us a copy of inspection certificate duly signed by the authorized official.
2) In addition to your Government's routine inspection, we require an inspection by our agent.
3) We shall ask the General Surveyor to inspect your cargo before shipment.
4) Your last shipment of bristles could not be cleared through the customs due to the lack of a quarantine certificate.
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