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비즈니스 영어 : 비즈니스맨이 필요로 하는 협상 기술

비즈니스 맨이 필요로 하는 협상기술, 9가지



비즈니스 맨은 늘 누군가와 무언가를 협상하며 산다. 굳이 협상이 아니라도 소통하며 살며 남의 인상을 찌뿌리지 않게 하며, 내가 의도하는 바를 잘 관철시키는 기술은 필요하다. 9가지 기술을 정리한다.


1) 문제 분석 (Problem analysis)

Effective businessman must have the skills to analyze a problem to determine the interests of each party in the negotiation. A detailed problem analysis identifies the issue, the interested parties and the outcome goals. For example, buyer and sellers meet for price, but the price contains many fields such as transportation, delivery, quality, etc. Identifying the issues for both sides can help to find a compromise for all parties.

바이어를 만나기 전에 미리 회의 안건, 그 안건과 관련된 사항들을 미리 파악해야 한다. 즉 가격이 주된 안건이라도 가격에는 납기, 운송 조건등이 포함되어 있기 때문이다.


2) 철저한 준비 (Thorough preparation)

Before entering a bargaining meeting, the skilled businessman prepares thooroughly for the meeting. Preparation includes determining goals, areas for trade and alternatives to the stated goals. In addition, negotiators study the history of the relationship between the two parties and past negotiations to find areas of agreement and common goals. Past precedents and outcomes can set the tone for current negotiations.

상담의 목적, 주된 안건, 준비된 대안은 물론, 이전에 이루어졌던 상담의 과정과 결과도 중요한 참고 자료가 될 수있다.


3) 적극적 경청 (Active Listening)

Negotiators have the skills to listen actively to the other party during the debate. Active listening involves the ability to read body language as well as verbal communication. It is important to listen to the other party to find areas for compromise during the meeting. Instead of spending the bulk of the time in negotiation expounding the virtues of his viewpoint, the skilled negotiator will spend more time listening to the other party.

적극적 경청에는 단순히 듣기 뿐만 아니라 몸으로 보이는 호응도 중요하다. 상대의 말을 많이 듣다보면 타협할 만한 구석이 찾아지게 된다.


4) 감정 조절 (Emotional calmness)

It is vital that a negotiator have the ability to keep his emotions in check during the negotiation. While a negotiation on contentious issues can be frustrating, allowing emotions to take control during the meeting can lead to unfavorable results. For example, when seller ask absurd things to buyer, frustrated buyer can take an all or nothing approach, which breaks down the communication between the two parties.

상담에서 감정적 평온을 유지하는 것은 나뿐만 아니라 바이어에게도 중요하다. 서로의 감정이 지나쳐 도아니면 모식의 결론이 나면 안된다.


5) 명확한 표현 능력 (Verbal Communication)

Businessman must have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively to the other side during the negotiation. Misunderstandings can occur if the negotiator does not state his case clearly. During a bargaining meeting, an effective negotiator must have the skills to state his desired outcome as well as his reasoning.

비즈니스 맨은 상대가 오해하지 않을 정도로 자기 생각을 간단명료하게 표현할 수 있어야 한다.


6) 문제 해결 능력 (Problem Solving)

Individuals with negotiation skills have the ability to seek a variety of solutions to problems. Instead of focusing on his ultimate goal for the negotiation, the individual with skills can focus on solving the problem, which may be a breakdown in communication, to benefit both sides of the issue.

비즈니스 상담자는 벌어질 수 있는 다양한 문제에 대한 해결 방안을 만들어 낼 수있어야 한다. 문제보다는 해결에 집중해야 한다.


7) 결정 능력 (Decision Making Ability)

Businessman with negotiation skills have the ability to act decisively during a negotiation. It may be necessary during a bargaining arrangement to agree to a compromise quickly to end a stalemate.

비즈니스맨은 상담을 교착 상태에서 벗어나 결과를 확정짓기 위한 능력이 있어야 한다.


8) 대인관계 기술 (Interpersonal Skills)

Effective negotiators have the interpersonal skills to maintain a good working relationship with those involved in the negotiation. Negotiators with patience and the ability to persuade others without using manipulation can maintain a positive atmosphere during a difficult negotiation.

비즈니스맨은 상대방과 좋은 관계를 유지하며, 기만하지 않고 설득할 수 있는 능력이 있어야 한다.


9) 윤리 및 신뢰성 (Ethics and Reliability)

Ethical standards and reliability in an effective businessman negotiator promote a trusting environment for negotiations. Both sides in a negotiation must trust that the other party will follow through on promises and agreements. A negotiator must have the skills to execute on his promises after bargaining ends.

비즈니스맨은 맺은 협상이 지켜질 것이라는 신뢰가 있어야 한다. 또한 윤리적이기도 해야한다. 자신이 지키지 못할 협상이라면 차라리 성사시키지 말아야 한다.

(때로는 비즈니스라는 명목하에 윤리를 경시하는데, 이는 차후 큰 문제를 일으킬 가능성이 크다).


(참고 : Top Ten Effective Negotiation Skills by Luanne Kelchner)